
We are a family striving to serve JESUS by intentionally looking at the needs of the broken people around us....lovin on and praying for transformed lives. Here we are, Lord. Use us!

For even the SON of MAN came NOT to be served...but to SERVE others and to give HIS own life as a ransom for many.

Matthew 20:28

Thursday, August 25, 2011


it has been a very long 6 months since I last put anything on here.  SO much has happened in our lives this year.  and I mean ALOT !!!  God has been so gracious and pruning us of ourselves ~ stripping us, refining us....STRETCHING us....my hope is to share the short version of the process and how God called us to be in HOUSTON, HOT TEXAS.  no pictures today, just sayin hi again.  God is so good and we are praising HIM....

hugs to you...