
We are a family striving to serve JESUS by intentionally looking at the needs of the broken people around us....lovin on and praying for transformed lives. Here we are, Lord. Use us!

For even the SON of MAN came NOT to be served...but to SERVE others and to give HIS own life as a ransom for many.

Matthew 20:28

Saturday, November 19, 2011

our new normal...a big ol' post

from 5.7 million in Houston to 311 in Keystone....
I could literally write a book on all GOD did in and through us while we were in Houston......but suffice it to say that we have been taught to trust in GOD and GOD alone as our provider.  We have drawn even closer to Him in the midst of truly relying on and clinging to Him as He provides.

In February this year, God called us to simplify and moved us to HOUSTON, TEXAS to be a part of a team of disciple-making people with a desire to see the nations be touched for Jesus.  To make a very long story, short...we moved into an apartment with approximately 1100 sq feet.  We experienced apartment living - to say the least.  Our prayers were to affect the people in our apartment complex for Jesus.  As God brought people and their needs to our hearts, we attempted to obey what the spirit was leading us in daily.
As our 6 month lease was coming to an end, it was very clear to us that the Lord was moving us on to South Dakota for ministry and a job for Stu.  God shut EVERY door for a job for Stu in Houston.  But,  as we continued to pray for a job, this job became available here in Keystone.  A door WIDE open because GOD opened it for us.  He also opened the door for Stu's twin brother, Stan and Ferral and Amber to be here with us....WE ARE BEYOND THANKFUL TO BE HERE!!

 Our new address as of October 15th: 402 Cemetery Rd.,  Keystone, South Dakota 57751
 this is right out our back door....these colors greeted us when we arrived in Keystone. LOVE
 this awesome creek runs right through our yard and my boys LOVE it!  Also, deer and turkey are a new normal in our lives because they roam free around these parts ~ a national forest. LOVE

On my birthday in October, we went to Mt Rushmore, which happens to be
2 miles from our house!
Bailey~16, Riley~14, Kale~12, Kolton~7
 We took a fall drive after Mt Rushmore in the Black Hills
Notice NO MORE GLASSES....for our 23rd wedding anniversary, we did the ultimate romantic thing and got LASIK done. Yes please.  We both LOVE not having to wear glasses anymore. So nice.

Happy Birthday to me ~ they surprised me with my favorite!
My guys hiking around Harney Peak not far from our house....Kale is 12 and Kolt is 7
my man LOVING being outside
Friday afternoon - the 18th of November - it started to snow and hasn't stopped....
as of 4:45 pm on Saturday, we have about 14 inches of beautiful fluff.

This massive building is in Keystone, also, and happens to be what Stuart does 40+ hours a week.  It is the Keystone Project Ministry Center.  He and his brother are working together to finish the inside of this place....

We're ALL enjoying being here.  Our kiddos are not liking packing and moving any more than we do but all 4 of them know that this has been God's will for our family.  And all of our kids want to obey God's will for their lives.  Blessings and hugs...