
We are a family striving to serve JESUS by intentionally looking at the needs of the broken people around us....lovin on and praying for transformed lives. Here we are, Lord. Use us!

For even the SON of MAN came NOT to be served...but to SERVE others and to give HIS own life as a ransom for many.

Matthew 20:28

Saturday, April 03, 2010

hopefully absent no more...

here's what we've been doing...


the end of january, stuart went to haiti...

this is now home to thousands of people in haiti....it's a tent city. sheets for walls. dirt floor. sad...

the ONLY boy in a haitian orphanage packed with all girls except charlie...

beautiful fresh coconut...



bailey and kale...

since my valentine was in haiti on valentine's day, i treated the 4 other loves of my life to fancy valentine doughnuts(one of our FAV'S around here)...
a few days after stuart got back from haiti, we went all went to exploration place...

on the days that spring attempted to show it's face, we had short school days (because we home school, we can do that...) and ventured to the park to burn off some energy and get some fresh air and take in the sun as much as possible...

this was a different park day...this is kolton and one of his very favorite friends...we did not know they were going to be at the park that particular day, but as soon as kolton saw that his friend, keith reed, was there, he was beyond excited to play. today is the day the reed family move away from us as GOD has moved them to kansas city, mo...

march 21, we celebrated kolton's 6th birthday. his choice of cake this year was the ever popular chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, of course...

also in march, bailey had to get glasses. i think she looks so cute with glasses...
a few days ago, stuart told the kids there was a dead baby squirrel in the back yard under a big tree. he laid the squirrel on our deck until he could take him to the outside trash. then stuart noticed that the squirrel was actually breathing. well, this little guy's (affectionately named 'carl') legs were paralyzed. the kids really wanted to take care of him. they are. carl lives in a cozy little box in the garage. so cute. so little. have no idea if he'll make it, but so far, he's improving every day. my kids have been laying their hands on him and praying for him. his legs are no longer paralyzed. thankful for spring that brings new life...

hugs to you...


Valerie said...

WOW! So much...you forgot to show the crazy pic your husband took of himself demolishing our bathroom! Thanks for sharing him...it looks great! I am loving it! now, when ya gonna join me for a coffee date?

Paula said...

I have to get you on my blog roll! Then I'll know the minute you post! Love the pictures! Need that little boy!! Love you guys so much!